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Is Lisbon Safe? A 2024 Guide to Navigating the Streets of Portugal’s Capital

So, youā€™re planning a trip to Portugal’s capital city. And like most destinations, you find yourself asking, ā€˜Is Lisbon Safe?ā€™. 

Lisbon is a wonderful city, known for its hilly streets, interesting architecture and vibrant nightlife.

However, as in any other large city, safety should always be a travellerā€™s top concern. So, thatā€™s exactly what we are going to be discussing today.

Letā€™s take a look at Lisbon’s safety for all types of visitors both during the day and at night. We will also discuss how you can become more safety-conscious whilst visiting Portugal’s capital.

Is Lisbon Safe? (The Quick Answer)

Ok, so if you are here for the short answer, then yes Lisbon is 100% safe to visit for all kinds of tourists.

It is a wonderful city, full of many things to see and do, from its historical sites to its vibrant nightlife. 

But, one thing to consider is Lisbon is BUSY. The cities see nearly 6 million tourists each year. And, like all heavily trafficked cities, it does experience crime from time to time.

Now, this crime is not something that should stop you from visiting the Portuguese capital because if it did you would never travel anywhere. But, it is something to be aware of.

The crime you are most likely to encounter when in Lisbon is petty theft, like pickpocketing.

Because, well crowds equal oportunists. 

However, with that being said, Lisbon is a marginally safe city. And if you keep your wits about you, keep an eye out for your belongings and stick to well-lit and populated areas, then you shouldn’t encounter any problems.

Now, if you want a more detailed guide then keep on reading because in this post we are going to dive into some safety elements you should be aware of before visiting. As well, as crime levels to expect on your first trip to Lisbon.

Ā© Jasonrow @

Part 1: General Safety in Lisbon

So, now that we have got passed the short answer let’s dive into the nitty gritty of safety in Lisbon. In this part of the blog post, we are going to discuss crime rates in Lisbon. The type of crime you may come across and the likelihood compared to other major European cities.

Crime in Lisbon: Is it common?

So, we have already established that crime is relatively low in Lisbon with the exclusion of the odd pickpocketing incidents. 

But, that is not to say that crime does not happen at all. There are some crimes that you should be aware of before taking your first trip:

šŸšØ Petty Crimes

Let’s begin with the crime that we have already mentioned, pickpocketing. So, we know that this is one of the main social issues in Lisbon. And, it is quite common for tourists to be a victim of this, especially in crowded areas such as Baixa, Alfama, and Bairro Alto.

The best way to avoid being pickpocketed is by keeping your belongings close, being aware of your surroundings and avoiding falling for tourist scams.


Be cautious in tourist-heavy locations and while on public transport, as this is where bags or belongings typically get snatched.

I would be extra aware of your phone! Nowadays, criminals are looking to take valuable items that they can make a profit on. And, just because it is in your hand does not mean someone can’t just snatch it off you when you are off guard.

šŸšØ Scams

I am going to dive into the topic of scams in a little more detail later on in this blog post because there are a few common ones I think you should be aware of.

However, I did want to mention here, that tourist scams are common in Lisbon, like all other cities across the world. So, as a friginer visiting, it is important to be aware of this. Don’t fall for anyone telling you a ‘sob story’ or trying to make you pay for something that is not yours!

šŸšØ ATM Skimming

Never take money out of the flashing ATMs you see on the street. Not only are they notoriously known for skimming cards, they also charge crazy withdrawal fees.

Skimming happens when a criminal installs a recording device on the machine and takes note of your card details. Regardless of what machine you use, you should always shield your PIN number. If a machine looks suspicious or tampered with, find another one.

I recommend machines attached to banks, these are always more secure and cheaper to withdraw from.

šŸšØ Unlicensed Taxis

Getting into an unlicensed taxi can cause you all sorts of problems, for starters their insurance will not be valid if you end up in an accident on the road.

They will drive you a longer route to try get more money out of you and overcharge the industry rates.

When I was in Lisbon, my Uber driver got pulled over for not having the correct documentation. So, it is definitely something the police monitor.

šŸšØ Street Harassment

I found this to be a problem in a lot of cities across Europe, particularly in Rome. It seems to be more evident towards women, with men catcalling or making inappropriate comments.

It can be very frustrating and scary to deal with and as much as you should not have to. It is best to just ignore them and continue walking. They will eventually stop and leave you alone.

šŸšØ Drink Scams

This goes without saying in any country but always mind your drinks when out and about. This INCLUDES non-alcoholic beverages.

The last thing you need is to be spiked in a foreign country but unfortunately, these things do happen. So, it’s best to keep your drinks always within eye view.

šŸšØ Sex Trafficking

Again, this is a crime that tourists should be aware of in ALL countries. We like to pretend it doesn’t happen but it is a sad reality for many.

If you are spoken to by a stranger asking you to follow them or meet at a later time simply decline and avoid further contact. If they don’t see you as an easy target they will more than likely not continue to bother you.

As mentioned above, it is very unlikely you will come across criminal activity while in Lisbon, yes, crime does happen but it is generally at a low scale. And, it most often, goes unnoticed by tourists. Much like other major cities in Europe such as Dublin or Budapest.

Tips for Avoiding Crime in Lisbon

Now, while all of the crimes mentioned above are rather minor compared to other criminal activities there are some clever ways you can avoid getting caught up in them. Below are some tips and advice you should follow on your first trip to Lisbon.

šŸ’”Stay Alert

One of the best things you can do as a tourist in a new city is stay alert to whats is around you, especially in crowded places where pickpockets often operate.

It can be easy to get distracted by beautiful landmarks, street performers and attractions but try to have an awareness of yourself and personal things.

šŸ’” Avoid Flashing Valuables

Try not to show off expensive jewellery, cameras, or other valuables that might attract attention. This includes your mobile phone.

Showing the types of value you have on your person will just encourage criminals to have you as their next target.

šŸ’” Travel in Groups

Travelling as part of a group is going to significantly reduce your chances of getting caught up in petty crimes. The more people surrounding you the less of a target you become.

This even applies to solo travellers, if you can manage to make friends in your hostels or on walking tours. Try to arrange to meet them again throughout the city. Particualrly, at night.

šŸ’” Trust Your Instincts

It is ok to say no to something because it just ‘doesn’t feel right’. If your body is telling you something is wrong it is best to listen to it instead of paying the price further down the line.

You won’t regret missing out on something if it avoids getting caught up in a messy situation.

šŸ’” Use Taxi Apps

The best way to avoid un licensed taxis is to not use them at all. I’d advise downloading the Uber App. It is known all across the world for its easy access, safety tools and affordable pricing.

šŸ’” Report Any Incidents

If you do see any crimes go down it’s best to find the nearest police station to report the issue. That way the authorities can act accordingly and prevent it from happening again to someone else.

Scams to avoid in Lisbon

Lisbon is not unique, all cities across the world have people who are hopping to scam or rip off tourists. It is important to be aware of the types of scams you may encounter. That way, you can avoid being caught out unexpectedly. 

āŒ The Gold Ring Scam

This is a common scam that happens all across Europe. Someone will pass you by on the street, pick up a ring from the ground and ask if you dropped it.

When you insist that the ring is not yours, the pass-by will demand you owe them money for that said ring. 

They aim to try to trick you into thinking you are in the wrong. My advice is to not entertain this behaviour. If they see you are unbothered by it they will eventually leave you alone.

āŒ Petition Scam

This is possibly my least favourite scam out there. Not that I like any scams but these people are particularly persistent and annoying.

Generally, someone will approach you to sign a partition for a good cause. They will give you a sad heartbreaking story and then ask you to sign.

When you are distracted a pickpocketer will swoop in and attempt to take your belongings.

āŒ Friendship Bracelet Scam

These guys are just plain annoying. They approach you out of nowhere. Attach a bracelet to your wrist and demand money.

These bracelets are extremely difficult to get off without cutting them. If this happens to you. Just decline and walk away. Although they appear intimidating, their goal is to get money off you not cause violence.

āŒ The Music Artist Scam

This one breaks my heart. As someone who used to work in the music industry, 90% of street performers are on the street trying to make an honest living.

However, some are there with the wrong intentions. A busker may hand you their CD claiming it’s free, but once you’ve taken it, they’ll demand payment.

Tips for Avoiding Scams in Lisbon

  1. Research Common Scams: Before you travel, take time to research the common scams in Lisbon. Knowledge is your best defence.
  2. Avoid Street Vendors: Be cautious of the street vendors selling items like sunglasses, hats, or souvenirs. They might be overpriced or of poor quality.
  3. Say No to ‘Free’ Items: If someone offers you a ‘free’ item like a bracelet or a CD, politely decline. Once you accept, they may demand payment.
  4. Beware of Overly Helpful Strangers: If someone is overly eager to help you, especially with ATMs or with your bags, they might be trying to distract you to steal your belongings.

Is Lisbon Safer than Other European Cities?

Lisbon, like any other major city, has its own share of safety concerns. However, when compared to many European cities, Lisbon holds up quite well in terms of safety. Petty crimes like pickpocketing or scams are not as prevalent and violent crimes are relatively rare.

How does Lisbon’s safety compare to that of Rome?

When comparing Lisbon’s safety to that of Rome, both cities exhibit similar patterns in terms of safety concerns. 

Just like Lisbon, Rome also has issues with petty crimes like pickpocketing and scams, especially in crowded tourist spots. Violent crimes are also quite rare in Rome. So, if you have been to the Italian Capital before expect to have a similar experience overall.

How does Lisbon’s safety compare to that of Barcelona?

Barcelona on the other hand, while it experiences the same type of petty crimes it tends to be on a slightly larger scale than Lisbon.

Not enough to deter you from visiting but enough to advise extra caution when walking the streets.

How does Lisbon’s safety compare to that of Budapest?

When comparing Lisbon’s safety to that of Budapest, Budapest also fares well with similar safety issues. As with most urban and tourist-heavy cities, Budapest also faces issues of petty crime, especially pickpocketing in crowded areas or on public transportation. However, violent crimes are infrequent, and the capital of Hungary generally provides a safe environment for residents and visitors alike. The city’s safety level is relatively comparable to that of Lisbon.

Part 2: Safe & Unsafe Areas in Lisbon

One thing you should always be aware of when travelling is the areas you intend on visiting.

While the city centre may be safe to explore, that doesn’t; not mean the surrounding neighbourhoods are.

In this section, we are going to take a look at different parts of Lisbon. Each neighbourhood has its own unique character, and safety can vary from one to another.

This section will give you a good idea of what to expect when youā€™re navigating the charming streets of Lisbon.

Is Lisbon City Centre Safe?

Yes, Lisbonā€™s city centre is generally safe for tourists. It’s constantly alive with people, regularly monitored by local law enforcement, and packed with numerous attractions that keep the area animated throughout the day and night. 

Sights like the PraƧa do ComĆ©rcio, the Bairro Alto, and Rossio Square are always upbeat and bustling, which limits the likelihood of serious crimes. 

Now, I am not going to say crime does not happen because that would be a little bit of a lie. However, coming across serious crime in the city centre is very unlikely with so many people about.

What about Lisbon Suburbs, Are they Safe?

Lisbon’s suburban neighbourhoods, generally, have a reputation for being tranquil and family-friendly. 

Areas like Telheiras, Alvalade, and Campo de Ourique are considered safe, with an array of shops, restaurants, and parks contributing to a vibrant community life. 

However, as with any city, safety can differ from one suburb to another and can depend on the time of day. Some remote areas may pose safety concerns, particularly late at night. 

But, honestly, I wouldn’t recommend visiting more remote areas at night anyways. Stay in well-lit areas, always tell someone where you are going and try to make friends in the city. 

I have highlighted important things to note for some well-known districts in the city.


Compared to other parts of Lisbon, Intendente would be considered ‘less safe’ a couple of years ago with crimes such as prostitution and drug trafficking being quite common.

However, in recent years the area has seen quite a turnaround. It is becoming quite a ‘hipster’ area, attracting people from all over the world. It is now home to multicultural restaurants, live concerts and movie nights.


Not too far from Intendente is Mouraria, which shares a similar circumstance. It used to be known for its crime and social challenges but with recent efforts from the locals and authorities, it has become a rather trenty place to live.

This neighbourhood’s multicultural vibe, its abundance of traditional Fado music venues, and its burgeoning food scene make Mouraria an inviting destination for tourists.


Alfama, one of the oldest districts of Lisbon, has a history stretching back to the Moors. With its narrow, winding streets and historic buildings, it offers a taste of the past amidst the city’s modern hustle and bustle. 

The area is generally safe with locals known for their warm hospitality. Again known for its Fado music, this district is also home to many popular tourist attractions such as the SĆ£o Jorge Castle and the National Pantheon.

šŸ“Bairro Alto

Known as Lisbon’s party district, Bairro Alto attracts throngs of tourists every night in search of a good time. Its lively atmosphere makes it a must-visit for anyone looking to experience Lisbon’s nightlife. 

However, caution is advised as pickpocketing and petty theft are common in this area. Like in most nightlife areas in cities across the world. Despite this, Bairro Alto remains a popular destination due to its diverse range of bars and restaurants, offering something for everyone.


Located in the west of Lisbon, Belem is home to some of Portugal’s most iconic monuments such as the BelĆ©m Tower and the JerĆ³nimos Monastery. These attractions are like something straight out of a fairytale.

The area is a popular tourist destination, particularly for those interested in history and architecture.

It’s also worth noting that Belem is famous for its delicious pastries known as “pasteis de nata”. These custard tarts can be found in many cafes and bakeries throughout Lisbon, but some say the best ones can be found in their birthplace – BelĆ©m.

šŸ“Parque das NaƧƵes

Once a struggling industrial area, Parque das NaƧƵes has been revitalized into a modern and vibrant district. Home to the Oceanarium, one of the largest aquariums in Europe, it’s a great destination for families with children. 

Aside from its attractions, Parque das NaƧƵes also boasts a variety of restaurants and shops, making it a great place to spend an entire day exploring. It’s also home to one of Lisbon’s most iconic landmarks, the Vasco da Gama Bridge.

What about Cascais? Is Cascais Safe?

Yes, Cascais is an extremely safe place to visit in Portugal. I personally, spent 5 days exploring the picturesque city. Although, it gives more of a ‘town’ vibe.

If you are looking for somewhere quiet to stay while visiting Lisbon then I recommend staying in Cascais and getting the train to and from the city.

That way you can experience the best of both worlds. Explore the busy streets of Lisbon during the day and return to the quaint and safe Cascais at night. 

Plus, Cascais is home to over 10+ beaches, meaning you can feel a sense of safety while exploring the beauties the coastline has to offer. Or, maybe take part in some water sports! 

There is nothing quite like surfing in the Atlantic Ocean to get your heart racing and adrenaline pumping.

If you can not tell, I am a big fan of Cascais. It has an extremely low crime rate and I felt completely safe the entire time I was there. 

This was mostly down to the friendly locals’ welcoming nature and willingness to help out us tourists.

Part 3: Transport Safety in Lisbon

When it comes to getting around in Lisbon, safety is a top priority whether youā€™re on foot, cycling, or using public transportation. The city is well-designed for all modes of transport and has implemented various measures to ensure a safe and smooth journey for everyone.

How safe are the buses and trains in Lisbon?

Buses and trains in Lisbon are generally quite safe, with regular services running throughout the day and night. 

The public transportation system in the city is well-maintained and monitored, with a robust security presence to ensure the safety of passengers. 

However, like any other city, it is advised to remain vigilant, especially during peak hours when the vehicles can get crowded. 

Avoid keeping valuables in easily accessible pockets and always be aware of your belongings. 

This is, particularly important at night when petty crimes are easier to commit.

Overall, Lisbon’s public transport is a safe, reliable, and efficient way to explore the city.

Are Taxiā€™s Safe in Lisbon?

Taxis in Lisbon are generally safe, however, while Lisbon is quite an affordable city to visit, traditional taxis tend to be quite expensive.

Instead, I recommend making use of Uber.

It is known across the world for its safe and reliable app. You can track your route and share your trip details with others, adding an extra layer of safety. 

It also eliminates any language barrier issues, as your destination is entered into the app, leaving no room for misunderstanding. 

Is it Safe to Drive in Lisbon?

Driving in Lisbon is generally a safe experience, although it can be challenging for those not used to the city’s narrow streets and heavy traffic.

And while you may want to rent a car to explore more areas in Portugal, I’d advise booking it after spending a few days in Lisbon.

In the city, there is no need for a car. Everything is either walkable or accessible on public transport.

Making use of this just eliminates the stress of trying to navigate a city you don’t know well by car.

Is it safe to Walk in Lisbon?

Walking in Lisbon is generally safe and enjoyable, making it an excellent way to explore the city. The city is famous for its picturesque sidewalks and beautiful architecture, which add charm to your walks. 

Now, you have been warned, Lisbon is known for its hilly terrain, so comfortable footwear is a must!

And, like in most cities, always be mindful of traffic while crossing streets and try to stick to well-lit areas if you’re walking at night. 

Part 4: Is Lisbon Safe For Tourists?

Yes, as a tourist I had the BEST time exploring the streets of Lisbon. I felt safe 99.9% of the time even when exploring at night.

If you are still reading to this point of the blog you will know that of course pickpocketing and scams are a concern but then again a very unlikely occurrence.

Especially when you are being mindful of your belongings and surroundings. 

It is important to note, that you should ALWAYS travel with insurance no matter where you are in the world. Insurance that covers both your items and your health.

You may think ‘Ah, that will never happen to me’ but trust me, it’s better to be safe than sorry! And that’s coming from someone who has an accident abroad. It’s sucks. Thank god I had insurance. I use an Irish company known as VHI, however, I have heard wonderful things about Safety Wing for friends who frequently travel.

It is also important to be aware of how to contact the emergency services while in Lisbon. The number for the police/ambulance services is 112 if you find yourself in danger or need any kind of assistance. 

Finally, always read reviews before going to an attraction or experience that way you can avoid any surprises when you arrive!

Part 5: Is Lisbon Safe for Solo Female Travellers?

Yes, as someone who travelled all across Europe as a solo female traveller, I can confidently say that Lisbon is a very safe place for women to explore alone.

On my trip, I felt more than safe walking around, however, there were a few incidents that I would like to mention as a way of cation to others.

The first is catcalling and unwanted ‘compliments’ from bystanders. This seems to be a common occurrence in some European countries, especially in the South West. 

For some reason, men do not realise it makes women feel uncomfortable when they shout ‘beautiful’ or ‘sexy’ on the street or out a car window. 

And while this behaviour did make me feel slightly at ease, I would continue walking and then they would eventually leave me alone.

The train stations are also a little sketchy, particularly around the entrances. It’s an area where many homeless people set up camp for the night. 

While I was there, I had no issue with these individuals, but it is always a good idea to keep an eye on your belongings and avoid walking alone in this area at night. 

And finally, while at the waterfront, I did notice men trying to ‘talk’ to young women, including myself. 

I have no proof of this being nothing but innocent, however, it did make me feel uneasy. Again, they were sexualising my friend’s appearance and their intentions did not seem pure.

However, with all this being said, unfortunately, this is common in most countries and something solo female travellers are used to. Not that we should be, but it’s just a sad reality.

Tips for staying safe as a solo female traveller in Lisbon:

šŸ‘› Keep your belongings close

I always find the best way to keep my belongings close to me when I travel solo is by using a bum bag or fanny pack. This one is my all-time favourite because it fits everything I need, my camera, some money, my phone and any important documents. 

This way, I always have everything I need right in front of me and someone can’t steal it without me noticing.

šŸš¶ā€ā™€ļø Avoid walking alone at night

Ok, so Lisbon in general is quite safe but if I am being honest I wouldn’t recommend walking anywhere alone as a solo female traveller.

I always have a rule of thumb that I need to have at least one other person with me in a city before venturing out at night.

That way if anything goes wrong I can easily get help.

šŸ—ŗļø Use earphones when using Google Maps

When navigating the streets of a new city alone Google Maps can become oneā€™s best friend. But, looking down at your phone at maps makes it obvious that you are alone. 

Instead, have the map instructions play through your earphones and walk with confidence. This way, you can keep your phone in your pocket and avoid drawing attention to yourself.

šŸŗ Be mindful of your alcohol consumption

As a solo female traveller, it’s important to be aware of how much alcohol you are consuming. It can be tempting to let loose and have a few drinks while on holiday, but being drunk in an unfamiliar city makes you an easy target for pickpockets or other potential dangers. 

It’s always a good idea to have a limit stick to it, and never leave your drink unattended. The last thing you want is your drink getting spiked by a stranger.

šŸ’¬ Connect with other travelers

Solo travel can get lonely at times, so don’t be afraid to connect with other travellers. Whether it’s striking up a conversation in a hostel common room or joining a group tour.

Meeting other travellers can really help ease any safety anxiety you may have. Besides, it is fun to explore new places with others.

šŸ™…ā€ā™€ļø Don’t tell strangers you are alone

Although it may seem harmless to tell locals or other travellers that you’re on your own, it’s best to be cautious. 

Telling strangers that you’re travelling alone can make you a potential target criminal posing as an incident bystander.

Instead, indicate that you’re meeting a friend or that someone is expecting you soon. 

This gives the impression that there are people aware of your whereabouts and any extended absences would be noticed, which can provide an additional level of protection during your travels.

šŸ“ Share Your Location With Family or Friends

Most smartphones nowadays allow you to share your live location with others. This is a great way to give both you and your loved ones a piece of mind.

And if something was to go wrong, at least, someone you trust would have your last known location available to come get you.

šŸŒ Make Up a Language

This tip may sound strange but hear me out. It works like a charm.

If someone approaches you and makes you feel uneasy, respond in a way that they will not be able to comprehend. 

I discovered this hack when I accidentally replied to an annoying male in Irish. I was just so frustrated that I blurted out ‘goodbye now’. 

He was so shocked that I didn’t respond in English, that he just looked at me confused and then eventually walked away. 

From then on, I would only reply to people on the streets in Irish and nine times out of ten they would leave me alone.

Now, not everyone is lucky enough to speak a lesser-known language but this would work even with a few made-up words.

The person annoying you does not know you are speaking jibberish. And odds are they won’t bother if they think you can not understand them.

Honestly, it’s a solo travel life hack I wish I had known sooner.

Ā© Brasilnut @

Part 7: Food and Drink Safety in Lisbon

When it comes to food and drink safety in Lisbon, itā€™s generally quite high. However, there are a few tips to keep in mind to ensure a smooth culinary experience. 

šŸ’” Stay Hydrated

Lisbon experiences mild to hot temperatures all year round. And when we travel it can be easy to forget to stay hydrated. 

The tap water is safe to drink in Lisbon however, most locals decide to buy mineral water due to the taste and the chlorine treatment used.  

šŸ’” Read the Reviews Before Dining

This may seem like a simple piece of advice, but we are all guilty of feeling hungry as we explore and dash into the first restaurant we see. However, this can result in a less-than-pleasant culinary experience. 

Before choosing a restaurant, take some time to read reviews from previous customers. This will help you avoid any restaurants with bad hygiene or unsafe food practices.

šŸ’” Be Careful with Seafood

Lisbon is a coastal city, therefore, seafood is a common element in most restaurant menus. However, when dinner gout it is important to be mindful of where the seafood is coming from and how it is prepared.

Avoid eating seafood from street vendors or cheap restaurants as they may not have the best quality control. Instead, opt for a reputable restaurant with good reviews.

Top Places to eat breakfast and brunch in Lisbon

  1. Heim Cafe: Known for its creative menu and delightful ambience, Heim Cafe is a favourite among locals and tourists alike. They serve fresh and wholesome breakfast options that cater to various dietary preferences. Be sure to try their avocado toast and freshly brewed coffee.
  2. Dear Breakfast: As the name suggests, this place takes breakfast seriously. Boasting a bright, minimalist decor, Dear Breakfast offers a plethora of savoury and sweet dishes. The ‘Eggs Benedict’ and ‘Acai Bowl’ are crowd pleasers.
  3. Fauna & Flora: This charming cafe serves a healthy and delicious breakfast in a vibrant, plant-filled space. The pancakes topped with fresh fruit are a must-try.
  4. Brick Cafe: A cosy spot with a welcoming atmosphere, Brick Cafe offers an extensive breakfast menu featuring traditional Portuguese dishes. Don’t miss out on their ‘PastĆ©is de Nata’ (Portuguese custard tart).
  5. The Mill: An Australian-Portuguese cafe known for its excellent coffee and hearty breakfast options. The scrambled eggs on sourdough toast are a firm favourite among visitors.

Top Places to Each Lunch/Dinner in Lisbon

  1. Ramiro: Considered a must-visit spot in Lisbon, Ramiro is known for its wide array of delicious seafood options. From juicy lobsters to fresh clams and crabs, this restaurant is a seafood lover’s paradise. Don’t forget to try their signature ‘Giant Tiger Prawns’.
  2. Belcanto: A two-Michelin-starred restaurant, Belcanto offers a unique culinary experience with its innovative take on Portuguese dishes. The tasting menu is an excellent way to sample a range of their offerings.
  3. Time Out Market: A food hall that brings together many of Lisbon’s top chefs and restaurants under one roof. From sushi to burgers, there’s something for everyone here.
  4. A Cevicheria: Known for its modern Peruvian cuisine, A Cevicheria offers a range of tantalizing dishes, with their Ceviche Puro being a standout. The contemporary decor and open kitchen add to the dining experience.
Ā© richie0703 @

Part 8: Is Lisbon Safe at Night?

Yes, Lisbon is safe at night especially compared to other capital cities.

However, with that being said, no matter who you are, your height, sex, shape or size, you should always practice safety measures when exploring a new city at night.

This is evident across the world, but crime increases at night. It is easier for offenders to ‘get away with it’ when it is dark.

Especially when people are drinking alcohol, they let their guard down and are more vulnerable to being a victim of crime.

I do not recommend walking in hardly list areas at night alone, no matter how tough you think you are. Or, how likely you would be to win a fight.

It generally is just not safe anywhere highly populated.

Now, that that little TED talk is out of the way, I am not suggesting avoiding exploring Lisbon at night.

It is a wonderful city to explore after the sun sets, with its lively atmosphere and vibrant nightlife.

It’s just important to take the necessary precautions to ensure your safety.

Tips for Exploring Lisbon at Night

šŸ’” Stay in well-lit areas

This may seem like a blatantly obvious tip but you’d be surprised how many people ignore it. Try to avoid any dark, unlit areas of the city. Stick to spots with plenty of people around like main streets and squares.

This includes avoiding ‘shortcuts’ because it will get you somewhere faster or will save money on transportation.

The last thing you want is to find yourself alone in an isolated area with no one around.

šŸ’” Don’t Flash Your Cash or Belonging

You never know who is watching you. No seriously, those wanting to commit a crime are looking for easy targets.

Try not to show you have cash or expensive tech items on you. If you need to use Google Maps to get around. I recommend placing earphones in your ear and listening to the directions rather than looking at your phone.

Tourists are a high target amount pickpocketers and staring at a map trying to navigate a city is a dead giveaway that you are not from around the area.

šŸ’” Travel in Groups

This includes all those solo travellers reading. I have a rule of thumb when I am in a city to only go out at night when I have someone else with me.

If that means meeting people in my hostels or on walking tours and suggesting we should check out the local nightlife.

Travelling in groups will always deter criminals from taking action as there is far more of a risk of them getting caught or being unsuccessful.

šŸ’” Be Aware of Alcolcl Consumtion

It can be easy to get carried away when exploring a new place. Especially when you have met a fun new group of people.

Always be mindful of how many drinks you have had. And stay within a limit your body can handle.

And NEVER leave your glass out of site. A drugging crime can quickly turn into a dangerous situation.

šŸ’” Trust your instincts

This is something I live by while travelling. If something doesn’t feel right it is because it probably isn’t.

If you feel easy about going somewhere then listen to your body and leave. It is better to be safe rather than sorry.

Places to Visit in Lisbon at Night

Lisbon is a pretty fun and vibrant city at night with so many exciting places and areas to explore.

šŸ“ Bairro Alto

Renowned for its vibrant nightlife, the historic district of Bairro Alto is a must-visit for those exploring Lisbon after dark. 

Its narrow cobbled streets are dotted with intimate bars, live music venues, and restaurants serving traditional Portuguese cuisine. 

For a unique experience in Bairro Alto, head to Park Bar. Tucked away on the top floor of a parking garage, this rooftop bar offers stunning views over the city and the Tagus River. It’s an ideal spot to unwind with a cocktail while watching the sunset.

Jazz enthusiasts should not miss a visit to the legendary Hot Clube de Portugal. Considered one of the oldest jazz clubs in Europe, it offers an intimate setting and an excellent lineup of local and international artists. T

The club’s cosy vibe makes it a perfect place to enjoy an evening of music in Bairro Alto.

šŸ“ LX Factory

An artistic hub nestled under the iconic 25 de Abril Bridge, LX Factory is a hotspot for night owls. 

Once a set of abandoned industrial buildings, it’s now home to a collection of unique bars, shops, and eateries. 

From sipping cocktails at the rooftop bar Rio Maravilha to witnessing the creative process at resident artists’ studios, there’s always something exciting to discover at LX Factory.

šŸ“ Alfama

The oldest district in Lisbon, Alfama transforms into a lively cultural hub as night falls. 

Its charming streets are filled with the hauntingly beautiful melodies of Fado, Portugal’s traditional music. 

There are numerous ‘casas de fado’ where you can dine, sip on Portuguese wine and immerse yourself in the soulful tunes of Fado, truly capturing the essence of Portuguese culture.

In Alfama is the Museu do Fado (Fado Museum)Home to Lisbon’s soulful music genre. The museum narrates the city’s history through the lens of Fado music, showcasing an extensive collection of musical instruments, photographs, and other memorabilia that highlight the evolution of this expressive art form. 

Part 9: Safety for Different Types of People day and night

Is Lisbon a city that embraces diversity? Is it suitable for all types of travellers? In this section, we discuss just that.

Is Lisbon Safe for Families?

Yes, Lisbon is quite a lovely city to visit for a family vacation. There is an array of things to do with kids, from visiting the Lisbon Zoo to exploring the vast Oceanarium. 

The city also has plenty of parks and playgrounds, perfect for children to run around and play. 

Things to Do in Lisbon with Kids

šŸ“Visit the Lisbon Oceanarium

If you are looking for a place to bring the little ones while visiting Lisbon then I recommend checking out the Oceanarium. This is the largest indoor aquarium in all of Europe, and itā€™s a wonderful place to spend some quality time with your family while learning about the ocean’s diverse marine life.

Not only is it a great holiday experience, but it also offers interactive displays, engaging activities and educational experiences. So, safe to say your kids will not be bored with this visit.

šŸ“ Enjoy a ride on Tram 28

This is one of Lisbon’s top tourist experiences and all for a good reason. The vintage tram is something children see as ‘cool’ or ‘unique’.

The tram winds its way through the streets of Lisbon, allowing riders to take in the sights and admire the scenery as it moves.

It’s also a great thing to do with the kids if they are complaining about sore feet from all the walkingšŸ˜‰

šŸ“ Parque das NaƧƵes

The park boasts excellent spaces for outdoor activities and sports, including a long, scenic promenade for walking or cycling alongside the Tagus River.

It also has a large playground, perfect for kids to enjoy and burn off some energy. Plus, the park features restaurants and cafes, making it an ideal spot to have a picnic or grab a bite to eat.

šŸ“ Lisbon Zoo

As mentioned earlier, this is another great attraction for families in Lisbon. It’s home to over 300 species of animals from all around the world, including tigers, bears, elephants and penguins. 

The zoo also has a petting farm where children can interact with domestic animals such as donkeys, goats and sheep. 

In addition to viewing animals, the zoo offers educational programs for kids and adults alike, making it an informative and fun experience for all. Plus, there are plenty of open spaces for children.

šŸ“Lisbon Cable Car

The Lisbon Cable Car offers a unique and thrilling experience that families should not miss out on. 

Gliding above the city, it provides an unmatched panoramic view of Lisbon, showcasing its architectural marvels, the beautiful coastline, and the vibrant city life. 

Children would be mesmerized by the bird’s eye view, making it an unforgettable adventure for them. 

The experience costs ā‚¬9.50 for adults and ā‚¬6.50 for kids.

Is Lisbon Safe for People With Disabilities?

Yes, Lisbon is generally safe and accommodating for people with disabilities. 

The city has made considerable strides in improving accessibility, with many of its top attractions, including museums, historical sites, and public transportation, offering wheelchair-friendly facilities. 

However, while Lisbon is trying to be inclusive there are still some major challenges that those with disabilities, especially wheelchair users face.

I found this extremely useful guide by Haian describes the difficulties he faced while visiting the Portuguese capital.

It is also important to note that Lisbon is EXTREMELY hilly, with steep cobblestone streets and narrow sidewalks, which can be challenging for wheelchair users. 

Difficulties for Wheelchair Users in Portugal

While Lisbon is trying to be more inclusive of Wheelchair users they still have a long way to go before it can be classified as a wheelchair-friendly city. 

Some of the older trams and trains are not equipped with ramps or elevators, making them inaccessible for people with disabilities as passengers are required to step into them.

Most of the metro stations now have lifts however, they are often broken. You can use the Willeasy app to see which ones are in operation.

Not all buses are accessible but most are! The problem seems to be that while wheelchair users can get on the bus the station they wish to get off at may not be accessible.

Disability-Friendly Attractions in Lisbon

  1. BelĆ©m Tower (Torre de BelĆ©m): An iconic symbol of Lisbon, the Belem Tower offers wheelchair-friendly entrances and lifts to move across different floors. 
  2. Jeronimos Monastery (Mosteiro dos JerĆ³nimos): This architectural marvel is accessible for people with disabilities, providing ramped access and wheelchair-friendly restrooms.
  3. Lisbon Oceanarium (OceanĆ”rio de Lisboa): Known for its impressive marine life, the Lisbon Oceanarium offers excellent wheelchair access and facilities throughout the property.
  4. Calouste Gulbenkian Museum: A haven for art enthusiasts, the museum is wheelchair-friendly, with accessible entrances, lifts, and restrooms.
  5. Lisbon Zoo (Jardim ZoolĆ³gico de Lisboa): The zoo offers wheelchair accessibility and provides a wonderful opportunity for a fun-filled family day out, complete with animals from all around the world.
  6. Parque das NaƧƵes: This sprawling parkland along the Tagus River offers smooth, flat paths that are ideal for wheelchair users.

Is Lisbon Safe for Members of the LGBTQ+ Community?

Lisbon is generally considered a safe and welcoming city for members of the LGBTQ+ community. Although it’s important to remember that acceptance levels can vary among individuals, overall the city has a vibrant LGBTQ+ scene with a range of bars, clubs, and events catering to the community. Lisbon Pride, the city’s annual LGBTQ+ event, regularly attracts a large and diverse crowd, demonstrating a strong commitment to promoting equality and inclusion.

Portugal is also very good with Marriage equality, LGBTQ+ adoption, and nondiscrimination policies. In 2010, Portugal became the eighth country in Europe and the sixth in the European Union to legalize same-sex marriage, allowing couples to marry and adopt children together. The country also has laws in place that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Things to do for people in the LGBTQ+ Community in Lisbon?

  1. Trumps: Known as Lisbon’s premier gay club, Trumps hosts lively themed nights, featuring everything from pop music to R&B. It’s a popular spot particularly on weekends.
  2. Finalmente Club: This nightclub is renowned for its fabulous drag queen shows and energetic dance floor, providing a vibrant atmosphere throughout the week.
  3. Bar 106: Bar 106 is a cosy, welcoming space, hosting regular DJ sets and offering a wide selection of cocktails.
  4. Purex: This LGBT-friendly bar in Bairro Alto attracts a diverse crowd with its laid-back vibe and eclectic music, ranging from indie to electronic and house.

Is Lisbon Safe for English Speakers?

Yes, Lisbon is generally safe for non-Portuguese speakers. English is widely spoken, especially in tourist areas, hotels, restaurants, and shops. Most signs in Lisbon, including street signs and information signs at tourist attractions, are also available in English. 

However, knowing some basic Portuguese phrases can be beneficial in certain situations and is appreciated by locals. Here are some common Portuguese phrases phonetically spelt out for easy pronunciation:

  1. Hello: Ola (Oh-lah)
  2. Good Morning: Bom dia (Bom dee-ah)
  3. Good Afternoon: Boa trade tar-deh) (Bo
  4. Good Night: Boa noite (Boa noy-teh)
  5. Please: Por favor (Poor fa-vor)
  6. Thank you: Obrigado (oh-bri-gah-doo) if you’re male, Obrigada (oh-bri-gah-dah) if you’re female
  7. Yes: Sim (Seem)
  8. No: Nao (Noun)
  9. Excuse me: Com licenƧa (Kom li-sen-sah)
  10. I don’t understand: Eu nĆ£o entendo (Eh-ooh noun in-ten-doo)
  11. Do you speak English?: Fala inglĆŖs? (Fah-lah in-glesh)

There are also numerous language translation apps available that can assist in bridging the language gap if needed. I recommend downloading the Google Translate app. This allows you to take pictures of menus and signs in different languages and translate them. Honestly, itā€™s a lifesaver when travelling.

Part 11: Safe Places to Stay in Lisbon

There is not one area that is ‘safer’ to stay in Lisbon than another. With most of the city being safe, it really depends on what you’re looking for in terms of location and convenience. I have listed a few nice places to stay for all budgets.

Budget travellers:

  1. Yes Lisbon Hostel: Known for its friendly atmosphere and top-notch facilities, the Yes Lisbon Hostel is a fantastic choice for budget travellers. Located in Baixa, it offers easy access to Lisbon’s main attractions. Their free communal dinners are a great way to mingle with fellow travellers.
  2. Home Lisbon Hostel: Nestled in the heart of Lisbon, Home Lisbon Hostel is famous for its homely feel and Mum’s dinners (home-cooked Portuguese meals). You can enjoy the cosy common area or explore the bustling neighbourhood outside.
  3. Lisbon Destination Hostel: Situated inside Rossio Train Station, Lisbon Destination Hostel features a unique location. The hostel boasts a winter garden, comfortable dormitories, and private rooms. It’s a stone’s throw away from numerous tourist sites, restaurants, and bars.

Mid-Range Travellers:

  1. Browns Central Hotel: Situated in the historic centre of Lisbon, Browns Central Hotel is a trendy spot with modern design elements and art deco style. Rooms are equipped with modern amenities, and guests are within walking distance of a plethora of restaurants and shops.
  2. Hotel Avenida Palace: This beautiful 19th-century hotel offers luxurious rooms for a moderate price. It’s located in the heart of Lisbon, just a short walk from Rossio Square. Its elegant decor, coupled with top-notch service, makes it a popular choice among travellers.
  3. LX Boutique Hotel: Located in the chic Cais do SodrĆ© district, LX Boutique Hotel offers stunning views of the Tagus River. Each floor is themed after a different aspect of Lisbon’s rich culture and history, providing a unique stay experience. The hotel’s sushi restaurant, Confraria, is a must-visit.

Luxury Traveller:

  1. Four Seasons Hotel Ritz Lisbon: Unwind in ultimate luxury at the Four Seasons Hotel Ritz Lisbon. Overlooking the historic city, this hotel boasts elegant rooms, a lavish spa, and an acclaimed rooftop restaurant.
  2. Olissippo Lapa Palace: Nestled on a hilltop in Lisbonā€™s diplomatic district, the Olissippo Lapa Palace presents opulent rooms, a lush subtropical garden, and an outdoor swimming pool.
  3. Valverde Hotel:Ā A boutique luxury hotel located on Lisbon’s main boulevard, the Valverde Hotel offers a stylish stay with sophisticated suites, a chic restaurant, and a heated outdoor pool.
Related Post: Does it snow in Portugal?

Part 12: Things to do in Lisbon

  1. Visit the Mosteiro dos JerĆ³nimos: This magnificent monastery is a stunning example of Manueline architecture, filled with intricate carvings and historical significance.
  2. Explore Torre de BelĆ©m: An iconic landmark of Lisbon, the BelĆ©m Tower offers panoramic views and a peek into Portugalā€™s maritime past. 
  3. Stroll Through Alfama: Experience the traditional side of Lisbon in Alfama, known for its narrow streets, colourful houses, and Fado music.
  4. Ride Tram 28: Take a scenic ride through Lisbon’s most historic districts on the vintage Tram 28. 
  5. Experience a Fado Show: Immerse in the heart-wrenching melodies of Fado, Portugal’s traditional music genre, in a local tavern.
  6. Visit LX Factory: This creative island in the district of AlcĆ¢ntara is a vibrant hub for artists and houses trendy boutiques, unique restaurants, and art installations.
  7. Marvel at the OceanĆ”rio de Lisboa: Home to a vast range of marine wildlife, this is one of the largest and most spectacular aquariums in Europe.
  8. Day Trip to Sintra: Although not in Lisbon itself, a day trip to the fairy-tale town of Sintra, with its stunning palaces and gardens, is a must.
  9. Visit Mercado da Ribeira: Also known as Time Out Market Lisbon, this is a foodie paradise offering a variety of cuisines to sample.
  10. Climb to Miradouro da Senhora do Monte: For the best views over Lisbon, make your way to this lookout point at sunrise or sunset.

Conclusion: Is Lisbon Safe?

I hope this informative guide has helped put your mind at ease before your trip to Lisbon. All in All, Lisbon is a safe and enjoyable city to visit. Full of some incredible sights, delicious food, and friendly locals, you’re sure to have a memorable experience in this charming Portuguese capital. 

Of course, as discussed from time to time the city experiences some petty crimes and scams but for the most part, you will visit without being affected by them. Once you keep your wits about, be aware of your surroundings and follow basic safety precautions.

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